Welcome to the BigBlueButton system of the UDE,
set up specifically for committee work.
BigBlueButton is a videoconferencing system which is provided to all staff members by the ZIM in cooperation with the CViS.
Access, setting up new sessions and restrictions
The access to this separate BBB instance, which is exclusively intended for the committee work of the UDE, is limited to members of the UDE. That is to say, that an university username is required for the login as well as the participation in a meeting created through this instance.
Furthermore, the right to set up new sessions is exclusively limited to the following persons (per committee):
- Chairperson of the committee
- Vice chairperson of the committee
- One further person, who can be chosen freely (e.g. a further member of the committee, a person mentoring the committee or similar)
In order to apply for the according rights, please use the following form: Antrag zur Erstellung von Meeting-Räumen (Gremien-BBB)
Meeting rooms have to be created using this BBB platform. There is no interface with other systems, such as Moodle.
The recording of sessions is per se not possible within the BBB instance for committee work. In this case, the according feature is permanently deactivated.
You can find video-based as well as written instructions for participants and presenters, which are taken from the context of teaching and learning, here: https://www.uni-due.de/zim/services/bbb
There are several features available in BigBlueButton, which you can use (accordingly to the number of participants).
- Chat: All participants of the videoconference are free to use a public chat in order to communicate, ask questions or give feedback to each other. There is also the opportunity to use a private chat (direct messaging). You can deactivate this feature, for instance if there is a large number of participants.
- Status messages: By using status messages participants can communicate nonverbally in case they want to say something (status signal feature). Afterwards you can invite the participants to speak in turns.
- Shared notes: In BigBlueButton you can write notes which are visible for all participants and can be developed collaboratively.
- Whiteboard: By using the whiteboard you can visually support your videoconference. For instance, you can use the whiteboard in order to welcome your participants to the session and to illustrate your agenda. In addition to this, it is possible to collaboratively (multi user) make a note of discussion arguments or results. You could also use the whiteboard in order to conduct a brainstorming or to test the public opinion (barometer of public opinion).
- Upload presentations: During the videoconference you can upload your materials/slides directly in BigBlueButton (please be careful to convert it beforehand in PDF, as the file size should be as small as possible). If you provide your participants with the role of a presenter, they can also upload materials.
- Screensharing: Content which is not part of the session (e.g. documents or webbrowser tabs) can be presented to your participants by sharing your screen. If you provide your participants with the role of a presenter, they can also share their screen.
- Vote: You can use the feature survey during your videoconference in order to test the participants’ opinions (barometer of public opinion).
- Breakout Rooms: By using breakout rooms, you can divide the participants into smaller groups. Those smaller groups are relocated into separate sessions for a certain amount of time. Each group can then talk about the contents of the session, discuss certain aspects or present results.
- Dial-In: The BBB instance for committee work also offers the option of dialing into a BBB meeting by telephone. This function is available when you enter a meeting room and is guided accordingly. Important: If you want to dial in via the UDE telephone system please follow the three steps: (1) Dialing the telephone number shown in BBB. (2) Then press the MFV-Button, which is shown on the display. (3) After the subsequent request enter the Pin, which is also shown in BBB. Furthermore, it is necessary that a person is already in the meeting. This means that dialing in by phone is not possible for the first person in the meeting.
Protection of data privacy
If you share sensitive data or data which is protected by the copy right in a videoconference, we advise you to use BigBlueButton. It is an inhouse solution of the UDE and is therefore run on the university’s servers. You can find further information on data privacy and videoconferences here: https://www.uni-due.de/zim/covid-19.php#hinweise